The University of Guadalajara is a VCU International Partnership university, which allows students to study in Guadalajara, Mexico for a semester or a year.
Currently, students can choose from courses in arts (theatre, dance, photography, music, etc.), architecture, life sciences (biology, veterinary sciences, agronomy, etc.), economic and administration sciences (marketing, finances, administration, tourism, etc.), health sciences (includes medicine), social sciences and humanities (anthropology, law, international studies, social work, etc.), exact sciences (chemistry, physics, math, etc.), and engineering (mechatronics, electronics, computer sciences, telematics, biomedical engineering, etc.).
Interested students are strongly encouraged to meet with Sarah Carrier prior to applying to this program. When contacting her for an advising appointment, please email her at and list the days and times you are available to meet over a three week period.
To Apply:
Students must have a 2.75 GPA to apply and are selected on the basis of their academic record and emotional maturity. Applicants must have a strong command of the Spanish language. Applications should be submitted to the Education Abroad office no later than June 1 for the fall semester or full year and Sept. 1 for the spring semester. Applicants should complete the online VCU Education Abroad application and if selected for participation, will then asked to complete an additional application for UdeG.
Transfer of credit:
Students must earn the equivalent of a C grade or higher in a given course to be eligible for transfer credit. Students are required to take the necessary steps to ensure that transcripts are received from the university upon return to VCU. Your grades at UdeG will not be calculated in your GPA, unless you are attempting to graduate with Latin honors.
Academic calendar:
Fall semester: Third Monday of August until the third Saturday of December
Spring semester: First Monday of February until the third Saturday of June
UdeG does not offer on-campus housing but can provide information about housing accomodations close to campus.
Tuition and fees:
Tuition for VCU students is based on VCU tuition and fees. Accomodation costs would be paid directly to a landlord or the company where you arrange housing.